Guest Guidelines

There is no charge for staying at the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House.

Your donation helps keep the house operating smoothly and safely. Do not leave checks or cash donations in the house.

Please use the donate button to give a secure credit card donation

or reach out to BCGW staff if you want to donate using a check, Donor Advised Fund or Stock transfer.

Shabbat & Holidays

To enter the house during the week, guests use their own entrance code. On Shabbat, guests can use a shabbat key that must be returned after Shabbat. The house and the NIH are included in an eruv. There are several synagogues within walking distance of the BC house. A map of the eruv along with synagogues within walking distance is located in the house. Shabbat and holiday candles are provided by BCGW. Never leave candles unattended.


The house is stocked with. basic supplies. Hot water, coffee and tea are available.

If you want to bring your own food, all food must be checked in and approved by a BCGW staff member or volunteer. A list of approved kosher symbols can be found HERE. and is located in the house kitchen. Find a list of approved kosher markets and restaurants under the FAQ section. All food must be checked in regardless of where it is purchased.


Please respect other guests by using your phone and devices in your private rooms and not in the common area. Make sure to keep your private belongings and papers in your own room. If you are staying in the BC house for a week or more, the cleaning crew will clean your bathroom and bedroom. You are expected to keep the area neat and clean between cleanings. 


Never allow anyone into the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House. Anyone who needs to get in has a unique code that they can use to enter the house at any time. If there is a life threatening emergency, dial 911 and, as soon as you can afterwards, notify the BCGW staff. All non life threatening emergencies should be reported to the staff immediately.

Parking & Transportation

If you are bringing a car to the BC house, you must notify us in advance and send us a picture of your driver's license. Parking is limited at the BC house and we will need to instruct you on how and where to park. 

BCGW is not responsible for your transportation while you are at the house. If you need rides to or from the airport or to medical appointments, you can reach out in advance and we will tell you about various options including the possibility of one of our volunteers giving you a ride. 

Visitor Policy

Guests are allowed to have visitors, but all visitors must be pre-approved by BCGW. We need at least 12 hours notice and will have guests fill out a visitor application before they can come. This includes friends, family and representatives from other organizations.

Orders & Deliveries

Short-term guests should not have any orders shipped to the BC House. If you are a guest for a week or longer and want to order needed items for your use at the BC house, you may do so but please notify us first. BCGW is not responsible for any items ordered to the house and will not ship anything to you after you leave.

Alcohol, Recreational Drugs & Medications

No alcohol or recreational drugs are allowed in the BC House. All prescription and over-the-counter medications must be kept in your own rooms and not in public areas.

Check Out Procedure:

All guests must fill out a Check out form. Please click below to review and fill out when prior to leaving.